After upgrading the DLP agent to 15.8 MP1, users are no longer able to use the 'Adobe Pro' option from word files. The application works fine if the DLP agent is uninstalled.
Release : 15.8 MP1
Component : DLP agent.
Issue is more specific to office plugin (csa64.dll /csa.dll) with 15.8 GA and above.
A private agent hotfix has been released on DLP 15.8 MP1 to address this issue. If you are experiencing this issue, please contact support for the hotfix. Also the fix is included in the latest version of the DLP agent.
If it is not possible to apply the hotfix or upgrade to the latest version immediately, the print channel can be disabled as a workaround. However, this workaround will stop the monitoring over the print channel and not recommended. It is highly recommended to either apply the hotfix or upgrade the agent.