Information about Symantec Management Agent EXEs
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Information about Symantec Management Agent EXEs


Article ID: 225754


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IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


Information about the role of the Symantec Management Agent EXE files


ITMS 8.x


The following are brief references to some of the most common EXE associated with the Symantec Management Agent and Plug-ins:

AEX_*.cmd If these are in temp folders, then these could be temporary CMD files the agent creates when executing script tasks, or running installation or uninstallation
AeXAgentactivate.exe Activates agent UI window
AexAgentDesctop.exe Used to intercept script task output.
AexAgentUIHost.exe Main agent UI process
AexAgentUIHostSurrogate32.exe Additional agent UI process that hosts 32-bit UI plugins on 64-bit machines The console version of AexAgentUtil.exe
AexAgentUtil.exe Command-line helper utility used to perform various agent actions from the command-line
AexAuditPls.exe This is part of the Software Inventory
AexGaugeSubSystem.exe used to be a part of Site Monitor in 5.0 - 6.0 times
AexInstallPrecheck.exe Part of the agent installer that checks if the OS is supported for agent installation
AexMetricProv.exe Part of the Monitor Solution plugin which performs various monitoring activities The console version of AexNSAgent.exe used to perform various agent actions
AexNSAgent.exe Core agent service that also performs the same command as AexAgentUtil.exe when executed from the command-line
AexNSAgentHostSurrogate32.exe Additional core agent process that hosts 32-bit plugins on 64-bit machines
AexNSAgentInst.exe Part of agent installer which performs installation
AexNSC.exe Core agent installer package which contains all core agent files, and the installer
AexNSCHTTP.exe Core agent installer package that includes the configuration XML files that describes the server’s HTTP connection parameters and some additional settings
AexNSClientTransport.exe 6.0 agent network transport
AexPatchAssessment.exe Patch Management tool to perform vulnerability assessment
AexPatchPackager.exe Patch Management tool that generates deployment packages for updates installation
AexPatchUtil.exe Patch Management command-line tool
AexSMAppDetector.exe Monitor Solution tool used to detect software configured for monitoring 
AexSMLogUpload.exe Monitor Solution tool used to upload collected monitoring data to Notification Server
AexTemp.exe Temporary file created during agent uninstallation
AltirisAgentProvider.exe Agent’s WMI provider


AexClientUIHost.exe, AexSWD.exe, AexSWDExec.exe, AeXSWDUsr.exe, AexSWSDUsrUIWin.exe - were binary files used in earlier versions