Fibre Chanel Controller WWNN missing for Linux
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Fibre Chanel Controller WWNN missing for Linux


Article ID: 225743


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CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation - Asset Management


On Linux machines Fibre Chanel Controller WWNN is missing in General Inventory.
It is present in AIX, HP and Solaris.
How to add it in Linux ?
Example :
On Linux machine under Inventory/System Devices/Fibre Channel Controllers column WWNN is not present :


Client Automation - All Versions.


WWNN for Linux could be added using the attached DMS script Linux_WWNN.txt.


1- Create an Asset Job "Linux WWNN" of type script in DSM Explorer under Jobs/Asset Jobs. And put the content of attached file Linux_WWNN.txt in this job :


2- In Scheduling option, check the option "This job is allowed to run unattended"


3- Link this Job to the machines.


This job will add the column WWNN in Fibre Channel Controllers for Linux machines.



1633706497956__Linux_WWNN.txt get_app