Observing data gaps in metrics that are reported by ASM agent (App Synthetic Monitor Agent).
The gap occurrence and frequency is intermittent. Gaps are being observed in past two days with higher frequency. The release of the agent has been working for past few months.
Performed multiple restart to of the ASM agent, but it seems like metric gap issue continue to occur intermittently. Narrow down the list of metrics that is being reported by ASM agent. Currently about 2000 ASM monitors are being selected for the ASM agent metrics.
We have setup alerts on these metrics and when we observe gaps, the alerts are being triggered.
Release : 20.2
Component : APM Power Packs
We suggest to adjust the alert Resolution and Periods Over Threshold/Observed Periods. so that alerts are calculated on aggregated data.
One example would be:
Resolution 6 minutes
Periods Over Threshold 5
Observed Periods 5
In above case, the alert will only be triggered on 6 minutes aggregated data and after 30 minutes of metric gap. This should cover mostly all gaps smaller then 30 minutes.