Our site is installing CA Application Performance Management Enterprise Manager (APM/Wily/Introscope) on Redhat Enterprise 7.x and would like to use systemd startup scripts to control the start/stop status. Is this supported and are there examples using this?
All RedHat/CentOS EMs running systemd.
To start the Enterprise Manager automatically on reboot, create the below file under:
# File location:
# /etc/systemd/system/emctrl.service
Description=Start Introscope Enterprise Manager
After=syslog.target network.target
ExecStart=/opt/CA/Introscope/bin/EMCtrl.sh start
ExecStop=/opt/CA/Introscope/bin/EMCtrl.sh stop
Once the file is created, test the Enterprise Manager can be started with:
~# systemctl start emctrl
If it works, enable it for system-startup using:
~# systemctl enable emctrl
You can stop the Enterprise manager with:
~# systemctl stop emctrl
You can remove the Enterprise Manager from autostart with:
~# systemctl disable emctrl