After configuring the ldap portion on the eem, attempted to login into wcc using ldap credentials however, received the error below:
E150003: An error occurred during authentication. An invalid user name or password was entered.
Note: Able to login to eem using the ldap credentials.
Release : 12.0
Component : Workload Control Center
Logged into EEM using the WCC0001 application. Went to Manage Access Policies. Did a permission check on the ldap user id trying to log into WCC. The permission check came back allowed.
Logged onto the WCC machine and to the <CA_WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION>\bin directory. Issued a wcc_config.bat -u <ldap id> --displayeem. Entered the password for the ldap user when prompted. It returned multiple EEM servers. Only one EEM server was set up for ldap. Set the second EEM server to use ldap and now the user can log into WCC with their ldap user id.