Track how many users have used Clarity timesheet mobile App
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Track how many users have used Clarity timesheet mobile App


Article ID: 225664


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Is there a way to track how many users have used the Mobile app? This will help us to know if we have to circulate the Mobile use with our users.


Release : 16.x


The app-access.log may contain a reference to something like the following example for each user who accesses mobile:

/ppm/rest/v1/private/personalizations?fields=userid,component,personalizations&sort=userid&filter=((component%20=%20'mobileTimesheet')%20and%20(userid%20=%201))&_cb=1680036251592 HTTP/1.1|200|227|15|5247047__21063C22-E645-4A57-AB69-10D576164ACE

You could then get the token id from the url, in the example above it would be:


Then you could query the log_sessions table for token='tokenID_value'

That will give you the user_id, and you can correlate the user_id from log_sessions to the user_id in srm_resources to find the users.

Additional Information

This solution worked in previous version of the mobile app, but does not work as of April 2023:


Following options are available:

  1. When a user accesses the Mobile Time Manager App, an entry is generated to the app-access.log. The entry contains keyword 'GET /niku/odata/getTimeAppInitial?'. Access the log and filter for this entry to get the use count.
  2. Run the following query which returns the user name and total number of times the user signed in:
SELECT a.url_short
    ,COUNT(b.user_id) "Total Number of Times"
    ,c.FULL_NAME "Name"
FROM log_details a
    ,log_sessions b
    ,srm_resources c
WHERE a.session_cookie = b.token
    AND a.URL_SHORT = 'odata/getTimeAppInitial'
    AND c.user_id = b.user_id
GROUP BY a.url_short