Is there a way to track how many users have used the Mobile app? This will help us to know if we have to circulate the Mobile use with our users.
Release : 16.x
The app-access.log may contain a reference to something like the following example for each user who accesses mobile:
/ppm/rest/v1/private/personalizations?fields=userid,component,personalizations&sort=userid&filter=((component%20=%20'mobileTimesheet')%20and%20(userid%20=%201))&_cb=1680036251592 HTTP/1.1|200|227|15|5247047__21063C22-E645-4A57-AB69-10D576164ACE
You could then get the token id from the url, in the example above it would be:
Then you could query the log_sessions table for token='tokenID_value'
That will give you the user_id, and you can correlate the user_id from log_sessions to the user_id in srm_resources to find the users.
This solution worked in previous version of the mobile app, but does not work as of April 2023:
Following options are available:
SELECT a.url_short
,COUNT(b.user_id) "Total Number of Times"
,c.FULL_NAME "Name"
FROM log_details a
,log_sessions b
,srm_resources c
WHERE a.session_cookie = b.token
AND a.URL_SHORT = 'odata/getTimeAppInitial'
AND c.user_id = b.user_id
GROUP BY a.url_short