Connecting to CA LDAP via the CA Identity Manager Top Secret connector.
Error message
No Global Superior Knowledge
This indicates that we have not configured the BaseDN of our connector.
Release : 16.0
2 changes are needed in the LDAP slapd.conf file:
1) The section:
# Below are the modules that provide interfaces to
# different repositories. Uncomment the 'moduleload'
# lines for the required interfaces only. If an
# interface will not be used, do not uncomment it
moduleload back_catss_utf.dll
#this line provides LDAP access to the CA TSS security database.
2) The section:
# tss_utf database specific definition
# this database definition is for direct access from ldap to tss
# it should not be used for access from IDM
database catss_utf
suffix "host=HOSTNAME,o=YOURCOMPANY,c=us"
naming_mode tss
# this database definition is for indirect access from identity manager to tss
# this is the one to specify in IDM definitions
database catss_utf
suffix "host=HOSTNAME_im,o=YOURCOMPANY,c=us"
naming_mode im
Additional Information:
Any lines in the slapd.conf file that do not start in column 1 are considered a comment.