Currently using NTLM authentication with domain controllers.
Due to the PetitPotam vulnerability need to disable NTLM so that Kerberos authentication is then used.
However, when that was tested it caused XCOM to fail with:
XCOMN0287E Error setting remote user id
XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows
Missing DOMAIN parameter. Kerberos authentication will be used only for Domain user accounts.
It was found that the first test had been run without setting the DOMAIN parameter on the transfer command line parameters or in the xcom.glb file on the initiate/receive server.
XCOM calls Microsoft's LogonUser API with "LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE" for dwLogonType and "LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT" for dwLogonProvider options.
From Microsoft documentation:
LogonUserA function (winbase.h)
Use the standard logon provider for the system. The default security provider is negotiate, unless you pass NULL for the domain name and the user name is not in UPN format. In this case, the default provider is NTLM.
Use the negotiate logon provider.
Use the NTLM logon provider.
Per the explanation above for LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, if the given parameters don't have a domain name and the username is not in UPN format it is using the NTLM provider. Using Domain name should mean the negotiate logon provider will then use Kerberos authentication.
After retesting the XCOM transfer with DOMAIN parameter set it was found to be successful when Kerberos authentication was being used.
So using XCOM with Kerberos authentication requires no additional configuration as long as the XCOM DOMAIN parameter is set.
However for outgoing transfers from the same server that DOMAIN parameter should not be set because it may cause problems at the receive server due to the DOMAIN parameter not being recognised or that server already having it set in its xcom.glb to be used as the default. What are the options to stop the DOMAIN parameter being set for outgoing transfers?
For outgoing transfers support tested with the XCOM initiate server having DOMAIN parameter set in its xcom.glb and the XCOM receive server first not having it set and then having it set. Tests done using a transfer .cnf file but the same results are valid for direct command line parameter use:
So setting DOMAIN to a single space ("DOMAIN= ") for the transfer will both override the initiate server xcom.glb DOMAIN value and will itself be overridden by the receive XCOM server xcom.glb DOMAIN parameter if it is set.
Also see parameter order of precedence referenced in Create and Update Configuration Files Using the GUI