Since upgrading to 8.6 RU1, the software update agent will not push down either for a new install or an upgrade.
The following error message appears in the SMP (Notification Server) log files.
Unable to generate policy XML for item: 'Software Update Plug-in Install for Windows x64' (13025a1c-a8c2-4352-a906-fe3ade3c8760), resource: 227eac9d-62cc-42d3-b273-8c6dea88feaf
Unable to build the client configuration XML for advertisement with guid {13025a1c-a8c2-4352-a906-fe3ade3c8760}. Reason: Unable to locate advertisement details: 'Software Update Plug-in Install for Windows x64' (13025a1c-a8c2-4352-a906-fe3ade3c8760)
[Altiris.NS.Exceptions.AeXException @ Altiris.NS.StandardItems]
at Altiris.NS.StandardItems.SoftwareDelivery.AdvertisementItem.BuildClientConfigXml(IClientConfigRequest request, XmlWriter xwr)
at Altiris.NS.StandardItems.SoftwareDelivery.AdvertisementItem.OnBuildClientConfigXml2(Guid hostGuid, XmlNode doc, XmlTextWriter xwr)
at Altiris.NS.StandardItems.Policies.ClientConfigPolicy.<>c__DisplayClass44_0.<GetConfigXml>b__0(XmlTextWriter xwr)
at Altiris.Profiling.Support.XmlFormatOps.ToXml(Action`1 fu, String root, Boolean indented)
at Altiris.
Release: 8.x
Corruption in the installation of the software
In the Symantec Installation Manager do the following:
Click on "Repair Installed Products" (in yellow below)
The following will appear:
Choose "Repair MSI" and click Next. The following will appear:
Click the boxes for both Altiris Patch Management Solution (in this case, Version 8.6 RU1) and Altiris Software Management Solution (in this case, Version 8.6 RU1, and click Next.
When finished, return to the "Return Product" screen: and choose "Reconfigure Installed Products" and click Next.
Click the boxes for both Altiris Patch Management Solution (in this case, Version 8.6 RU1) and Altiris Software Management Solution (in this case, Version 8.6 RU1, and click Next.
Verify that the problem is fixed.