We have an issue with discovering the locally mounted CIFS filesystem via the cdm probe. We have asked the requestor to unmount and mount the FS in the Linux server and restart the server but even after that it didn't get discovered. Need your help to understand and the steps on how to discover this CIFS filesystems in the cdm probe. Any troubleshooting steps which we missed here or its the cdm probe which is not detecting this FS?
Release : 20.3
Please refer to the cdm Advanced Configuration techdoc:
There are a few important considerations for CIFS monitoring.
How to mount CIFS share for monitoring
The folder to be mounted on Linux should have the "sharing" option. Use the following command to mount a windows folder on Linux:
mount -t cifs -o username=administrator,password=<password>//<machine_name_to_mount>/data/windows
Once the drive is added, the type appears as “Network”
allow_remote_disk_info: makes the Device Id of shared drive and local drive identical.
Default: Yes
When the value of this key is Yes, the probe generates the Device Id of the shared drive based on remote device. Navigate to the setup folder and set this key to No to enable this feature. This feature is introduced because of the following two reasons:
NFS Space check and Disk Missing alarms are supported as of cdm v6.60 or higher.