Following information is received in an email:
"We want to bring into your attention that your spanva <SpanVA Name> which has been configured to perform state data backup, has failed to backup its state during last 24 hours. We advise you to please check if the parameters configuration is accurate. For example the server IP address or host name is correct, user name and password combination is valid, the target directory exists on the backup server and the user has write permissions on the target directory. Also you can try Test Connection on SpanVA Backup / Restore tab and see if it is working."
When a SpanVA backup has not been successful for 24 hours, it will trigger an email to be sent.
The email received suggests checking if the parameters configuration is accurate by checking the following:
Directions on configuring the SpanVA Backup and Restore can be found here
This email does not indicate that there has been an interruption in communication between the SpanVA and the CloudSOC tenant.
It only indicates that the SpanVA backup has not occurred, so there might be an interruption in communication between the SpanVA and the Backup server.