Not all containers are started, specifically portal_analytics-server
root@ltdt ~]# docker service ls
oo2lly47btex portal_analytics-server global 0/1 caapim/analytics-server:5.0 *:9045->9045/tcp
w742nm39y496 portal_apim global 1/1 caapim/ingress:5.0
vd7ieisj6rem portal_authenticator global 1/1 caapim/authenticator:5.0
Release : 5.0
Component : API PORTAL
DevPortal was using 100% CPU, attempt to restart the portal using script "". Issues with locks to portal_db occurred
Log from the portal_analytics-server container
portal_analytics-server.0.4nn1bagcc32k@ltdt | [QueryServer.log] [2021-10-04 16:12:07,332] [INFO ] [l.e.j.JdbcExecutor] [main] [|] [|||] SELECT ID,LOCKED,LOCKGRANTED,LOCKEDBY FROM public.databasechangeloglock WHERE ID=1
portal_analytics-server.0.4nn1bagcc32k@ltdt | org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'analyticsLiquibase' defined in class path resource [com/ca/apim/portal/analytics/configuration/AnalyticsLiquibaseConfig.class]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is liquibase.exception.LockException: Could not acquire change log lock. Currently locked by ( since 9/2/21 7:56 PM
To solve need to clear the lock in the analytice DB
The analytics DB is locked - most likely is shut down unexpectedly
We will need to access the exec of the portal_db container, then access postGres, analytics database to change the lock to false
# docker ps | grep postgres ls
Get the container ID
# docker exec -it <containerID-prmiary> /bin/sh
psql -U admin
List databases:
Connect to analytics
\c analytics
To view:
select * from databasechangeloglock;
Set to false
update databasechangeloglock set locked = false
The analytics container should start on next attempt
This will fix the start problem, but it the login still fails it maybe a user password issue