When tried to rename the runtime library of the product, could not rename it in the "IN USE" status.
For example:
Release : ALL
Since the LLA is allocating the datasets, you can't rename it.
If you would like to rename it execute the following steps.
1. Enter the 'D PROG,APF' and 'D PROG,LNKLST' commands to check the current status of APF and LNKLST registrations.
For LNKLST, check the name of the LNKLST SET.
2. Enter the command 'SETPROG LNKLST,DEFINE,NAME=new-set,COPYFROM=lnklst set' to create a new LNKLST SET.
This will copy the contents of current LNKLST SET and create a new-set.
3. Delete the target dataset from APF and LNKLST(new-set).
SETPROG APF,DELETE,DSNAME=xxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxx,VOLUME=xxxxxx
SETPROG LNKLST,DELETE,NAME=new-set,DSNAME=xxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxx,VOLUME=xxxxxx
4. Enter the 'D PROG,APF' and 'D PROG,LNKLST' commands to confirm that the target data set has been deleted.
5. The 'SETPROG LNKLST,ACTIVATE,NAME=new-set' command puts LNKLST(new-set) into the ACTIVATE state.
After entering the command, 'CSV500I LNKLST SET xxxxxxxx HAS BEEN ACTIVATED' message will be output.
6. Use the 'SETPROG LNKLST,UPDATE,JOB=*' command to update the address space.
After entering the command, the 'CSV504I JOB * IS NOW USING THE CURRENT LNKLST SET' message will be output.
7. Refresh the LLA with 'F LLA,REFRESH' just in case.
For more information, check the IBM documents.