Clearing a pending reboot flag on a new Data Center Security Server Manager install
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Clearing a pending reboot flag on a new Data Center Security Server Manager install


Article ID: 225316


Updated On:


Data Center Security Server Advanced


When the logs state that a restart is pending from a previous installation and the server has already been restarted multiple times, the flag likely needs to be reset.

Error Seen below:

5 2021-09-29 13:47:08.150 [WARNING] [ConfigurationWizard:325] System reboot pending registry value: cmd.exe /c cd/d "F:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Data Center Security Server\Server\tools\wizard" & net stop SISManager & net stop UMCTelemetryService & net stop UMCCredService & serverConfigWizard -install -serverxml "F:\server.xml" -agentcert "F:\agent-cert.ssl" -servercert "F:\server-cert.ssl" -cacert "F:\cacerts" -rootkey "F:\rootkey.cer" -consolekeystore "F:\sss.ssl" -umckeystore "F:\umcserver.ssl" -sccacert "F:\ca_certs.pem" -sccrlcert "F:\crl_certs.pem" -scservercertpem "F:\umcserver_signed.cer" -scservercertkey "F:\server-key.pem"
6 2021-09-29 13:47:08.150 [DEBUG] [ConfigurationWizard:345] Computer restart from a previous installation is pending.
After the computer is restarted, the Server Configuration wizard will be launched automatically to retry the installation.


Data Center Security Manager 6.7.3 + 


Reboot flag fails to be reset in the registry


Here is what we need to do to clear the reboot flag on the DCS Manager.

1. Browse to registry path HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
2. Locate DCSManagementSCW and delete the same.
3. Reboot the manager and proceed with the regular installation flow.