SMP/E APPLY returns error messages during access to the USS directories
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SMP/E APPLY returns error messages during access to the USS directories


Article ID: 225303


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Applying maintenance over the Database Management for Db2 for z/OS tools and encountering error messages in the access to the USS directories,
Requirement to display the contents of the USS directories with USS commands to verify the USS directories structure is correct.


The following USS commands will give you the mount information for the USS directories, the permissions for the directories, as well as all the files contained in the directories. 
As a sample assume the MOUNT command for the ZFS file system was as follows: 
Then run the following USS commands to get the information about the USS directories.  
df /xxx/xxx/dbmgmt
ls -la /xxx/xxx | grep dbmgmt
ls -R /xxx/xxx/dbmgmt
A note about the USS commands, they must be executed on the same LPAR that the USS directories are mounted on, and the commands themselves are case sensitive.
The USS commands can be executed through OMVS, or using BPXBATCH program.