For security reasons you want to block older versions of Google Chrome , Firefox and Edge with proxy.
In this approach, we will block all browsers and only allow certain versions.
Start by creating a new web access layer and give a recognizable name to it.
First, create allow rules for the version we need to allow.
1. Allow Firefox 91
-- For Source -Set New Request Header
-Name : Allow Firefox 91
- Header name: User-Agent
- Header Regex: Firefox\/(91)
-- Action : Allow.
2. Allow Chrome 91 to 93
-- For Source -Set New Request Header
-Name : Allow Chrome 91 to 93
- Header name: User-Agent
- Header Regex: Chrome\/(9[1-3])
-- Action : Allow.
3. Allow Egd 93 to 95
-- For Source -Set New Request Header
-Name : Allow Egd 93 to 95
- Header name: User-Agent
- Header Regex: Edg\/(9[3-5])
-- Action : Allow.
They would look something like this.
Next, create a combined object to block all versions of Chrome Firebox and Edge
Name BlockAllBrowsers
Next Add -New UserAgent Object and check Chrome (all) , Firebox (all) , MS Edge (all)
As Edge uses different sting to identify that what we have a proxy, we need to add it separately.
For that add a new Request header Object > Use header name "User-Agent" and add below header regex.
^Mozilla/\d+\.0 \(Windows (Phone|NT).*\) AppleWebKit.*Chrome.*Safari.*Edg/\d+.*
As we want to limit the test to a few users so Add AND condition for client IP.
Place this combined object below all the allowed rules.
Next created object to return Exceptions, we need mark ( Force exception ) so other web access layer would work as designed.
We can create custom block page which perhaps can use for directing user to Help Desk to upgrade browsers.
Important note : As new version of these browsers are released you will need update your allow list. To avoid blocking of newest version , have one version advance (Current + 1 ) in allowed list.