Unable to register to a Task Server. HTTP status 404: The requested URL does not exist on the server or the server is down (0x8FA10194)
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Unable to register to a Task Server. HTTP status 404: The requested URL does not exist on the server or the server is down (0x8FA10194)


Article ID: 225167


Updated On:


IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


You migrated to a new SMP (Symantec Management Platform) server. As part of the upgrade/migration process, you also upgraded your Site Servers operating system. After you did that and the Altiris Agent upgraded to a newer version, you noticed that any client machine can't register to these Task Servers nor the Task Servers to itself after re-directing them to the new SMP Server.

You already tried to remove and reinstall the Task Agent but still the same results.

You are not using HTTP in this environment. You only use HTTPS.

The agent logs from the Site Server showed that the agent itself is trying to register but it can't be complete because it thinks that it is paused (even after checking the recommendations under KB 176128 "Getting: The server is currently paused (0x8004200E) when trying to reach GetClientTaskServers.aspx") or the URL doesn't exist:

Entry 1:

Server 'https:<siteserver01>.<example>.com:443' connection succeeded, total attempts 184, errors 1
Process: AeXNSAgent.exe (6976), Thread ID: 7416, Module: AeXNetMon.dll
Priority: 16, Source: NetworkMonitor

Entry 2:

Task Server Connection: Failed to request 'https://<siteserver01>.<example>.com:443/Altiris/ClientTaskServer/Register.aspx?resTypeGuid={2C3CB3BB-FEE9-48DF-804F-90856198B600}&sysType=Win64&version=8.6.1119&resourceGuid=0fd1e768-f961-47eb-a4cd-440c45008573&crc=000800060000045F', error: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond (0x8007274C)
Process: AeXNSAgent.exe (2416), Thread ID: 16368, Module: client task agent.dll
Priority: 2, Source: Client Task Agent

Entry 3:

Task Server Connection: Failed to request 'https://<siteserver01>.<example>.com:443/Altiris/ClientTaskServer/Register.aspx?resTypeGuid={2C3CB3BB-FEE9-48DF-804F-90856198B600}&sysType=Win64&version=8.6.3269&resourceGuid=1c2b5224-72a0-48a6-ad57-5c5de3fbe03a&crc=0008000600000CC5', error: HTTP status 404: The requested URL does not exist on the server or the server is down (0x8FA10194)
Process: AeXNSAgent.exe (9436), Thread ID: 7204, Module: client task agent.dll
Priority: 2, Source: Client Task Agent

Entry 4:

Operation 'Direct: Head' failed. 
Protocol: HTTPS 
Original host: <siteserver01>.<example>.com:443
Real host: <siteserver01>:443
Path: /Altiris/ClientTaskServer/Register.aspx 
Connection id: 3.9436 
Communication profile id: {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-66BB684C8CF7} 
Throttling: 1 500 0 
Error type: HTTP error 
Error code: HTTP status 404: The requested URL does not exist on the server or the server is down (0x8FA10194) 
Error note: 404 Not Found 
Server HTTPS connection info: 
   Server certificate: 
      Serial number: <serialnumber here>
      Thumbprint: <thumbprint here> 
   Cryptographic protocol: TLS 1.0 
   Cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 
   Cipher algorithm: AES 
   Cipher key length: 256 
   Hash algorithm: SHA1 
   Hash length: 160 
   Key exchange algorithm: ECDH 
   Key length: 255
Process: AeXNSAgent.exe (9436), Thread ID: 7204, Module: AeXNetComms.dll
Priority: 1, Source: NetworkOperation

Entry 5:

Task Server Connection: Failed to request on Task Server 'https://<siteserver01>.<example>.com' over 'https', error: HTTP status 404: The requested URL does not exist on the server or the server is down (0x8FA10194)
Process: AeXNSAgent.exe (9436), Thread ID: 7204, Module: client task agent.dll
Priority: 2, Source: Client Task Agent


ITMS 8.x


Reason 1:

After further troubleshooting, since we couldn't reach out the usual "/Altiris/ClientTaskServer/Register.aspx" on that Task Server from any machine (including the SMP server itself) other than the Task Server itself, the customer talked to his network team.

They found that they had an internal firewall that was blocking some of the default ports that we needed to be available. After those were opened, The Task Server was able to register just fine.

Reason 2:

IIS service was not running.



Resolution 1:

Make sure the proper ports are open in your firewall, either in the Task Server itself or any other that you may have internally in your network.

See the following KB for a list of all ports and protocols used by ITMS:

  "Ports and Protocols for IT Management Suite"


Resolution 2:

Verify that IIS service is running for the Default Web Site in IIS Manager on your Task Server. Click on "Start" if the service is stopped.