Set up Detection/Applicability rules for a Managed Software Delivery policy?
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Set up Detection/Applicability rules for a Managed Software Delivery policy?


Article ID: 225143


Updated On:


Client Management Suite


When attempting to use an Applicability check in a Managed Software Delivery policies "Compliance settings" the desired results aren't achieved.



Release: 8.x


When you see "Software Resource Keys" as the Detection Check for a Managed Software Delivery policy's "Compliance settings" this means that the SoftwareCache-v2.xml file found under the following folder is by default the check being used for Detection by your policy.  This file is found at:

C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\SoftwareManagement\data\

A preferred way of doing a Detection Check & Applicability Check is to do this in the Software Resource and not under the Policy Compliance settings.

To do this through the Software Resource, click on the Software Resource name (shown as "SEP 14.3.4625" in the screenshot below and is in yellow) and seen here:


Once in the Software Resource go to the Rules tab as shown here as shown here:

From here, enter your desired Detection Rule (either BROWSE or CREATE) and once finished click OK to save the Rule settings to the Software Resource and then select SAVE CHANGES to update the Policy.  Generally, you'll want to do this so that "Applicability check" is "None" and let the configuration in the Software Resource's Rule do the compliance/applicability checking for you.