OneClick Upgrade Fails On fediz_config.xml - "keyStore" must not contain the '<' character
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OneClick Upgrade Fails On fediz_config.xml - "keyStore" must not contain the '<' character


Article ID: 225078


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


While upgrading OneClick  from 10.4.1 to  21.2.X the install fails and the following error is seen in the postinst.xx.xx log file

********** Started: Wed Sep 29 10:33:33 2021 **********
running Custom Script Install-Tools/CUS/tomct.cus
 Starting tomct.cus
Tomcat upgrades from: 09/28/2021 17:12
Updating log4j configuration
Starting ServerConfigurationCreator
[Fatal Error] fediz_config.xml:9:33: The value of attribute "file" associated with an element type "keyStore" must not contain the '<' character.
com.aprisma.tomcat.install.TomcatConfigException: Error occurred while updating SAML config files.
org.apache.commons.configuration2.ex.ConfigurationException: Error parsing file:/opt/Spectrum/Install-Tools/LOGS/
 at com.aprisma.tomcat.install.ServerConfigurationCreator.updateSAMLConfigs(
 at com.aprisma.tomcat.install.ServerConfigurationCreator.doCreateConfiguration(
 at com.aprisma.tomcat.install.ServerConfigurationCreator.createConfiguration(
 at com.aprisma.tomcat.install.ServerConfigurationCreator.main(

** ERROR during creating tomcat configurations

Script Install-Tools/CUS/tomct.cus has FAILED
********** Completed: Wed Sep 29 10:33:35 2021 **********

It may happen that the error message doesn't include the file name fediz_config.xml, but still this document applies to resolve that problem:

********** Started: Wed Feb 23 10:57:27 2022 **********
running Custom Script Install-Tools/CUS/tomct.cus
 Starting tomct.cus
Tomcat upgrades from: 02/23/2022 09:47
Updating log4j configuration
Starting ServerConfigurationCreator
com.aprisma.tomcat.install.TomcatConfigException: JAXBException occurred while updating SAML config files.
 - with linked exception:
[org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 9; columnNumber: 33; The value of attribute "file" associated with an element type "keyStore" must not contain the '<' character.]
 at com.aprisma.tomcat.install.ServerConfigurationCreator.updateSAMLConfigs(
 at com.aprisma.tomcat.install.ServerConfigurationCreator.doCreateConfiguration(
 at com.aprisma.tomcat.install.ServerConfigurationCreator.createConfiguration(
 at com.aprisma.tomcat.install.ServerConfigurationCreator.main(

** ERROR during creating tomcat configurations

Script Install-Tools/CUS/tomct.cus has FAILED
********** Completed: Wed Feb 23 10:57:27 2022 **********


Release : 10.4.x, 21.2.x

Component : OneClick


The installer was trying to preserve settings from the just backed up fediz_config.xml file and ran into a parse error due to an improperly formatted word.

The fediz_config.xml file contained <SPECROOT> inside of xml tags.

example line that caused the parse errors


Manually modified the backed up fediz_config.xml changing the <SPECROOT> reference to $SPECROOT

Reran the 21.2.x installer which completed successfully and Spectrum is fully functional.

Additional Information

Preventative Measure:
     Check existing fediz_config.xml files for <SPECROOT> and if found, change to $SPECROOT prior to running the upgrade. If not found then
        the problem should not occur.

On Linux systems using find/exec/grep  from bash (replace install dir /usr/Spectrum as necessary)

    find /usr/Spectrum/ -name fediz_config.xml -exec grep keyStore {} \;