After moving the Banner database to a new server, the Banner Agent status is listed as unavailable instead of Running.
The AgentService<timestamp>.log for the Banner Agent show the following error:
10:31:52.482 AgentService: BannerAgentImpl: getConnection: JDBC@PPRD
ErrorMsg: Database login error
Details: Error connecting to the database. Check the JDBC login assigned to the agent and verify that it is correct.
java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.connect(
The above error is referring to the Banner JDBC Connection object called "JDBC@PPRD". This value will likely differ on the environment.
Release : 9.x
Component :
The Banner Agent JDBC login needs to be updated with the correct DB information.
The Banner JDBC Connection needs be updated. To edit the Banner JDBC Connection:
1. Select the Logins Selector button or select Object Admin > Administration > Logins > find and edit the Banner JDBC Connection object.
2. Make necessary changes to Userid, Password, Host, Port, Service Name, etc.
3. Apply/OK
4. Restart Banner Agent