In Applications Manager version 9.3.5, a new option for notifications which adds an option that a PDF can be portrait or landscape.
If a notification object is defined with this either portrait or landscape selected, running awinstall or if upgrading to 9.3.5 HF1 will result in the below error during awinstall/upgrade:
Starting at 09/09/21 11:10:13 script aw_alters
Finished at 09/09/21 11:10:13 Elapsed Time 00:00:00 script aw_alters
errors=ORA-01441: cannot decrease column length because some value is too big
Fatal error trying to execute script aw_alters
Fatal error trying to execute script aw_alters
Fatal Error occurred - check the log /u02/appmgr/master/install/aw_install.log
Requested processes "all" not running
stopso done
Installation exited with errors
This can also occur when running awinstall on version 9.3.5 HF1. Also note that the issue does NOT occur at all if notifications do not set the portrait/landscape option.
Release : 9.3.5
The aw_alters.lst file shows the failure below:
alter table aw_notif_detail modify AW_NOTIF_ATTACH_FLAG varchar2(2)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01441: cannot decrease column length because some value is too big
The aw_alters.lst tries to make the column length 2 but the column has data with a length larger than that, which is due to the new portrait landscape options that populate the column with values like PPT, PPL, PAT, PAL, etc
Edit aw_alters.sql and change the below line from:
alter table aw_notif_detail modify AW_NOTIF_ATTACH_FLAG varchar2(2)
alter table aw_notif_detail modify AW_NOTIF_ATTACH_FLAG varchar2(12)
This is fixed in Applications Manager version 9.4.0