s0C4 in REXX after OPSMVS upgrade to v14.0
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s0C4 in REXX after OPSMVS upgrade to v14.0


Article ID: 224932


Updated On:


OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


For this OPSMVS upgrade(SYSN) we modified the OPSTNT.OPSS.LOAD to OPSTNT.OPSR.LOAD(New load) in PROG00,PROGL0 and IEALPAOP Member. After IPL ing the SYSN lpar we got that TSO OI SYSVOLVS issue, so we have just checked by adding the OPSTNT.OPSS.LOAD back again to APF by dynamically by using PD9 ID. Post which the issue has been resolved. SO as of now if you see the APF on SYSN lpar both the loads will be available.


Release : 14.0

Component : OPS/MVS


The problem is related to the 13.0 and 14.0 activity order.  Make sure 13.0 is down before the OSF procs get updated to 14.0.  

If the problem persists after verifying the order of the shutdown and restart from the old release to the new, open a Support case and be sure to supply the archived OPSLOG, along with the shutdown exec job being used, the abending code, and the dump if one is produced.