PC Portal reports VNA operational status down. Not even able to connect to VNA admin page.
Server.log shows this error:
2024-08-06 17:41:51,280 INFO [org.jboss.as.controller] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYCTL0183: Service status report
<name>: Services which failed to start: service jboss.deployment.unit."core-23.3.5-RELEASE.war".STRUCTURE: <HostName>: Failed to process phase STRUCTURE of deployment "core-23.3.5-RELEASE.war"
Checking disk space with "df -h" shows the partition VNA is installed on is full. Running "du -h /opt/CA | grep '[0-9\.]\+G' >> /tmp/du.out" shows the source of the disk usage. It's files in the /opt/CA/VNA/wildfly/standalone/data/activemq/largemessages directory filling the partition or drive on the DX NetOps Virtual Network Assurance host server
Files in the largemessages folder are filling the disk space on the VNA host.
All supported DX NetOps Virtual Network Assurance releases
To resolve this take the following steps.
Once it's restarted monitor the largemessages directory. Confirm for a day or two that the directory doesn't start to build up files again. If it does open a new support case and share the following: