The issue is with Java transformers. It looks like it is unable to read/write to unix file system, although the d2e task is the owner and I have set the permissions to 777 for all the files and directories.
The D2E task is able to read the project files with no issues, also it is able to create an empty report file in the reports directory. No other report files are created.
D2ELOG shows:
ESF4337 Transformation report file unavailable
The transformers produce an empty file which is purged.
Release : 14.0
Component : CA Spool
The HOME directory defined in the OMVS segment in the security profile (TSS, ACF2, RACF) of the userid of the Java Transformer started task does not exist.
This problem may also occur due to environmental problems with the Java 31-bit storage.
Make sure the userid of the Java Transformers started task:
- has a complete OMVS segment on its security profile including a HOME directory
- this HOME directory exists and the userid of the task has full access to it.
If all the above is correct it is possible that using the Java 64-bit version of the Transformers solves this problem. To use the 64-bit Java:
1) Change the program used by the CAIQD2E started task:
//* PROGRAM=ESFD2ES, * Java 31-bit support
// PROGRAM=ESFD2ES6, * Java 64-bit support
2) Update the CAIQENVA member pointed by the CAIQD2E STDENV DD to use the 64-bit version of Java: