Getting below error in logs when we trying to obfuscate snowflake DB
2021-09-02 08:21:53.725 Thread:TestTable - Thread:TestTable - Starting at 2021.09.02 08:21:53.725 BST
2021-09-02 08:21:55.475 Thread:TestTable Cursor Fetchsize:50
2021-09-02 08:21:55.475 Thread:TestTable Autocommit:false
2021-09-02 08:22:01.382 Thread:TestTable - Error executing select statement for update
2021-09-02 08:22:01.382 Thread:TestTable - SQL State:0A000
2021-09-02 08:22:01.382 Thread:TestTable - SQL Error Code:200018
2021-09-02 08:22:01.382 Thread:TestTable - Data type not supported for binding: Object type: class [B.
2021-09-02 08:22:01.397 Thread:TestTable - CURSOR COUNT:1
2021-09-02 08:22:01.397 Thread:TestTable - Select SQL:SELECT "Col1","Col2","Col3","Col3" FROM "Schema"."TestTable" order by "Col2","Col3","Col4"
2021-09-02 08:22:01.397 Thread:TestTable - Update SQL:update "Schema"."TestTable" SET "Col1" = ? WHERE "Col2" = ? AND "Col3" = ? AND "Col4" = ?
2021-09-02 08:22:01.397 exit value = 1
2021-09-02 08:22:01.397 Sleeping for 500 milliseconds before exiting
Release : 4.9.x
Component : Fast Data Masker
Snowflake JDBC driver currently doesn't support to programmatically use update statements for Binary type Primary keys.
Since we do not have any control over when the Snowflake JDBS driver would be updated to support this use case, we are not sure of supporting it from FDM side.
Hence masking Snowflake tables with Binary type primary key is not supported.