JCLCheck returns error CAY6077E NO 'unitname' UNITS ARE AVAILABLE FOR 'volume' but the job executes successfully in the same LPAR.
Why is this message issued, and how to suppress it?
Release : All
Component : JCLCheck Workload Automation
The units and volumes are not mounted until the job is executed.
Since the units and volumes are not available until the job executes, error message CAY6077E may be changed to an informational or warning message. Here's how:
1. Use JCLCheck runtime option MCOSYS or MCOUSR.
2. Use the JCLCheck REXX interface MSG_PROCESSING routine, and enable runtime options STDREXX(rexxpgm) and REXXMSG. (Two sample REXX execs are provided in the CAZ2CLS0 library: CAZ1REXX and CAZ1REX2.)
Reference: Message Processing Subroutine for JCLCheck