Next error/alarm is returned by the probe:
Profile: ProfileName- IAPI/logfile_usage_with_avail_disk/Run Query - DB Provider: Code=0x0x80040e14 Source=Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers Description=[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'space_available', table 'tempdb.dbo.#space_tab__________________________________________________________________________________________________________000000000249'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails.
For the logfile_usage_with_avail_disk the script used is 'fg_freeSpace_with_avail_disk'.
This is documented in:
What Queries (updated ) are used by the sqlserver Probe in UIM?
To gather the system fixed drive free space, the (hidden) Stored Procedure 'xp_fixeddrives' is used.
In the script, when defining the temp table #space_tab, a 'NOT NULL' constraint is added to the column 'space_available'. The column 'space_available' is updated at the end of the script with the output of 'xp_fixeddrives'.
The checkpoint FG free space requires system rights (granted via sysadmin role) for the user used in sqlserver probe This role is required to run the SP: master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives
fg_freespace_with_avail_disk and logfile_usage_with_avail_disk will only work for admin users.
To resolve the issue, you need to add the sysadmin role to the Login user used by the probe.