Running plugin_metric_correction callback against a robot to fix MCS issues
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Running plugin_metric_correction callback against a robot to fix MCS issues


Article ID: 224454


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


Issues/scenarios may include 1 or more of the following:

  • Robot stops producing metric data, and/or alarms after an MCS change to a system or group in Operator Console.
  • OC is getting Alarms for old Alarm Policies that have already been deleted and do not exist in th database tables
  • Alarms not showing up in Infrastructure Manager and nas probe


  • Release: 20.3, 20.4


Option 1: Infrastructure Manager (IM)

- Press CTRL + P on the mon_config_service probe on the UIM Primary Hub.

- Enter the robot name

- Press the green arrow to execute the callback

Option 2: Admin Console App

- Click on the mon_config_service probe Options

Option 3: Via Probe Utility (PU) command

pu -u administrator -p <password> /<my_domain>/<my_hub>/<my_primary>/mon_config_service plugin_metric_correction robot_name <my_robot>

Additional Information

Note: Use the robot name as it shows up in OC Inventory, which may be different than what is displayed in the IM console.

Manage Alarms with Centralized Alarm Policies

and search on-> "How do I correct the plugin_metric file?"

For any questionable alarms/alerts sent by a probe, e.g., cdm-MC, if executing the plugin_metric_correction callback doesn't work, try deleting the <probe>-MC and redeploy it.

Do NOT use/run the MCS plugin_metric_correction callback in DX UIM 23.4 as it should no longer be necessary.