WCC - Can't Import JIL from ECLI
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WCC - Can't Import JIL from ECLI


Article ID: 224371


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Autosys Workload Automation


When using the AEWS the following messages appear in the commandapp.log:

java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused): https://<WebServerhost>:9443/AEWS/command

, URL: https://<WebServerhost>:9443/AEWS

StatusCode: 200

        at com.ca.wcc.command.client.webserver.WebServerCommandClientReq.processResponse(Unknown Source)

        at com.ca.wcc.command.client.webserver.WebServerCommandClientReq.executeCommand(Unknown Source)

        at com.ca.wcc.enterprisecommandline.utils.CommandProcess$CommandProcessThreadEx.run(Unknown Source)

        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:821)

2021-09-17 10:30:31,741 @ecli <      Thread-35> [] ERROR #WebServerCommandClientReq          # sh: /tmp/1006383.in: Permission denied


StatusCode: 200, URL:https://<WebServerhost>:9443/AEWS

com.ca.wcc.command.client.webserver.WebServerException: sh: /tmp/1006383.in: Permission denied


StatusCode: 200

        at com.ca.wcc.command.client.webserver.WebServerCommandClientReq.processResponse(Unknown Source)

        at com.ca.wcc.command.client.webserver.WebServerCommandClientReq.executeCommand(Unknown Source)

        at com.ca.wcc.enterprisecommandline.utils.CommandProcess$CommandProcessThreadEx.run(Unknown Source)



Release : 12.X

Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)


Set the umask to 022 in the /etc/auto.profile  /etc/profile and /etc/profile.CA

For example add the line to the bottom of the file:
umask 022

Restart the application server.

Check the owner of the PID for Web Server, as example 'autosys' is user

- Login as autosys

- set umask value to 022 and sufficient permissions in .bash_profile, .profile, auto.profile, profile.CA file.

- source the files and restart Web Server component