When attempting to use Windows Authentication for a SQL Server job, it fails with the following error:
Automic: The database driver returned the following error message: 2021-09-12 14:58:28 Login failed for user 'doman\automicuser'. ClientConnectionId:da5773e7-8255-4ccb-87dc-a6a90fab2dd8 2021-09-12 14:58:28 - U02004025 Job-script execution was aborted.
SQL Server Error:
Login failed for user 'doman\automicuser'. Reason: Attempting to use an NT account name with SQL Server Authentication. [CLIENT:]
Another possible error can be encountered:
U00011003 Job 'JOBS.SQL.TEST' (RunID '0001111100') on Host 'AGENTSQL' aborted (return code=0102'). Remote Status=Waiting for the database
SQL Server error:
Login failed for user 'domain\svcautoengine'. Reason: An attempt to login using SQL authentication failed. Server is configured for Windows authentication only
Release : 12.3
Be sure that sqljdbc_auth.dll is in the agent's bin directory
Set WindowsAuthentication=1 in the ucxjxqlx.ini file for the agent as well as set ANONYMOUS_JOB = Y in UC_HOSTCHAR_DEFAULT
Further instructions found here: https://docs.automic.com/documentation/webhelp/english/AA/12.3/DOCU/12.3/Automic%20Automation%20Guides/help.htm#AWA/Admin/inifiles/admin_ini_agent_sql.htm