MSGEVNTS seeing Jobname as CONSOLE
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MSGEVNTS seeing Jobname as CONSOLE


Article ID: 224341


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


I have 2 almost identical MSGEVNTS Rules.  CEMERTR and CEMGEN.

CEMERTR works just fine and in the Trace, the Jobname is CEMERTR.

However, when I issue a S CEMWHSE which triggers the CEMGEN, the Trace shows the Jobname as Console??

I've looked and looked and it might be really simple but I'm over looking something.


Release : 14.0

Component : OPS/MVS


There is a previously undocumented parameter, AOFUSEOJOBNAME, that will always use the OJOBNAME for all rules, even when a BEWTO is in use by the job/program that triggers the rule.

From the OPS/MVS manual: 

Jobname - 
The name of the job from which the event originated. If the event originated with a server, the value that appears in the JOBNAME column is the started task ID of the server, rather than the actual name of the job.
Started task IDs of servers have been changed from ASIDxxxx to ssidxxxx where ssid is the subsystem ID of the current CA OPS/MVS system, and xxxx is the address space ID of the server (as a hexadecimal value). For example, OPSS0010 is the name of a server for subsystem OPSS in address space x'10'. This permits you to filter events for individual servers or for all servers in OPSLOG Browse.
If multiple copies of CA OPS/MVS are running on one system, only the names of the servers owned by the subsystem you are browsing are changed. Servers owned by other subsystems keep their original names. However, the started task ID changes in all cases.
OJobname - 

The originating jobname. This value differs from Jobname on a branch entered WTO.