Opening the Applications Manager Database Browser may result in the below error:
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:oracle:thin:@//master.hostname.example:1521/AMMASTER
Release : 9.3.x
Ojbc*.jar driver found in $AW_HOME/web/classes may be incompatible
Ensure the ojdbc*.jar version in the $AW_HOME/web/classes directory or %AW_HOME\web\classes (Windows) directory is the most suitable version for the Oracle Client/Server versions. Refer to Oracle if needed.
A restart of Applications Manager processes or service (Windows) is required to register any jar file changes.
If the issue still exists, copy the ojdbc*.jar file from the $AW_HOME/web/classes directory or %AW_HOME\web\classes (Windows) directory to the Client PC's jars directory. This needs to be done on all clients. The jars directory is located in the same directory as the RunClient.jar file.
Applications Manager version 9.4.2 introduced a change where the ojdbc*.jar is loaded into client java process before Launching so a oracle driver is no longer needed in the client's jar directory.