When running a Siteminder Policy Server with CA Directory Session Store, which are the best values to set to the configuration of the Session Store (1)?
Policy Server 12.8SP5 on RedHat 7
As per documentation, it's recommended to set these Policy Server registry keys if your environment expects a high volume of transactions. We recommend using the default values first and then benchmarking the environment to detect the possible bottlenecks. If bottlenecks are detected, then analyze the problem to point out which aspect of the processing is causing delays. All those parameters help to solve performance problems.
The same approach is valid to set the MaxConnections value too.
Configure Symantec Directory as a Session Store
Add the following registry keys that affect the performance of an
LDAP session store in the
registry location, and customize their values as required:
Connection Pools
To increase the size of the session store connection pool, modify
the value MaxConnections registry setting, which can be found at the
following registry location: