Log Analyzer for Db2 for Z/OS : LADFILE LRECL and SPACE sizing
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Log Analyzer for Db2 for Z/OS : LADFILE LRECL and SPACE sizing


Article ID: 224236


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Log Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS


Is the LRECL hardcoded or data dependent?  What we see is LRECL of 7659.  The SPACE parameter is coded (800,600) in our jobs  At times, we will see some data sets with allocation in blocks and others in cylinders.  


Release : 20.0

Component : Log Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS


See Log Analyzer Control Statements  

The LOAD file is allocated with a DISP=NEW, and the LRECL will vary depending on the data and the Load Options that are selected.  Log Analyzer calculates the LRECL and the BLKSIZE automatically.  A count of the number of records for each table is accumulated during the extract processing.  With these three values, number of records, LRECL, and BLKSIZE, Log Analyzer is able to determine the total amount of space needed for the LOADFILE.  The space will be allocated in BLKS.

The primary and secondary quantity listed under the allocation parameters are the percentage of total space needed by the LOAD file.  So, for example the LOAD file requires 300 BLKS, and the PRIMARY is 15 and the SECONDARY is 20.  Log Analyzer dynamically allocates the LOAD file using a primary space of 45 BLKS and secondary of 60 BLKS.

From the allocation details on screen:

  Volume Serial      ==>            ( Blank for authorized default volume )
  Primary Quantity   ==> 15         ( Percentage of total space )
  Secondary Quantity ==> 20         ( Percentage of total space )
  Generic Unit       ==> SYSDA      ( Unit name for NON-SMS dataset )
  Model DSCB (GDG)   ==>

Field:  Primary Quantity

Description:  Enter a percentage of total space to be allocated to the dataset as the primary space quantity. Log Analyzer internally calculates the total amount of space needed and you can indicate the percentage of that space to use.

Field:  Secondary Quantity

Description:  Enter a percentage of total space to be allocated to the dataset as the secondary space quantity. Log Analyzer internally calculates the total amount of space needed and you can indicate the percentage of that space to use.

There is no ability for a user to specify LRECL. 

In the CA Log Analyzer generated code it will look like this varying by the type of report and options selected :

           ,ROLLBACK (INCLUDE)
           ,CATALOG  (EXCLUDE)
           ,DSNDB01  (EXCLUDE)
           ,UNDEFTB  (INCLUDE)
           ,LOBDATA  (EXCLUDE)
           ,XMLDATA  (EXCLUDE)
           ,OPTS     (YES)
           ,ORDERBY  (URID)
           ,DISCARDS (0)
           ,GENFILE  (FIXED
                     ,UTILITY (LOAD)
                     ,TBFILES (NO) ,EMPTY (NO)
                     ,LOBROWID (OMIT)
                     ,INCLUDE (REDO    , UNDO    )
                     ,LADFILE (
                     ,COLPRFX (PLA_)
                     ,DISCARDS (0)
                     ,LOG     (YES)
                     ,SYSDISC (50,50)
                     ,SYSMAP  (50,50)
                     ,SYSERR  (50,50)
                     ,SYSUT1  (10,10)
                     ,SORTOUT (10,10)