We upgraded to 21.2.2 and the DA data source shows unavailable.
When we hit test, the test fails.
Tried IP, short name and fqdn
DA karaf log message "Couldn't complete encryption/decryption due to: Error..."
Release : 21.2, 22.2
Component : IM Data Aggregator
The SsoEncryptionDecryptionKey in the mysql netqosportal database does not match the SsoEncryptionDecryptionKey in the DA rest endpoint
Login to the netqosportal db on the NetOps Portal:
mysql netqosportal -unetqos -p (this will prompt for your mysql db password)
select PropValue from netqosportal.performance_center_properties where PropName = 'SsoEncryptionDecryptionKey';
Now compare that to the DA rest endpoint:
If they do not match, set the DA rest value to match the netqosportal value:
curl -X PUT -u admin -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' -d'<DataAggregatorInfo version="1.0.0"><SsoEncryptionDecryptionKey>VALUE-FROM-NETQOSPORTAL</SsoEncryptionDecryptionKey></DataAggregatorInfo>' http://localhost:8581/rest/dataaggregator/<ID>
((replace <ID> with the DA id from the same rest endpoint used above))
(when prompted for the password, it is looking for the NetOps Portal admin user password)
You should get a 200 OK response
Then try the test on the DA datasource again and it should work.
If you want to check the DA rest endpoint from the command line:
curl -vk -u admin http://YOUR-DA:8581/rest/dataaggregator
It will prompt for the password (this is the NetOps Portal admin user password)