DA data source test fails after upgrade to 21.2.2 or above
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DA data source test fails after upgrade to 21.2.2 or above


Article ID: 224225


Updated On:


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


We upgraded to 21.2.2 and the DA data source shows unavailable.

When we hit test, the test fails.

Tried IP, short name and fqdn

DA karaf log message "Couldn't complete encryption/decryption due to: Error..."


Release : 21.2, 22.2

Component : IM Data Aggregator


The SsoEncryptionDecryptionKey in the mysql netqosportal database does not match the SsoEncryptionDecryptionKey in the DA rest endpoint


Login to the netqosportal db on the NetOps Portal:

mysql netqosportal -unetqos -p (this will prompt for your mysql db password)

select PropValue from netqosportal.performance_center_properties where PropName = 'SsoEncryptionDecryptionKey';

Now compare that to the DA rest endpoint:



If they do not match, set the DA rest value to match the netqosportal value:

curl -X PUT -u admin -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' -d'<DataAggregatorInfo version="1.0.0"><SsoEncryptionDecryptionKey>VALUE-FROM-NETQOSPORTAL</SsoEncryptionDecryptionKey></DataAggregatorInfo>' http://localhost:8581/rest/dataaggregator/<ID>

((replace <ID> with the DA id from the same rest endpoint used above))

(when prompted for the password, it is looking for the NetOps Portal admin user password)

You should get a 200 OK response

Then try the test on the DA datasource again and it should work.

Additional Information

If you want to check the DA rest endpoint from the command line:

curl -vk -u admin http://YOUR-DA:8581/rest/dataaggregator

It will prompt for the password (this is the NetOps Portal admin user password)