Is there an example of the PANTSO command to change the member attributes?
The following is an example of the PAN CHANGE Subcommand.
ALLOC F(PANDD1) DATASET('User.panvlt.panlib') SHR
PAN CHANGE member COMMENT('xxxxxxxxxx')
member :The member name is the CA Panvalet member name selected to change.
STATUS :Specifies a status change. The minimum abbreviation is S.
USER :Specifies a user code or user security level change. The minimum abbreviation is U.
LEVEL :Specifies a level change. The minimum abbreviation is L.
COMMENT :Specifies a user comment with (' '). The minimum abbreviation is COM.
DDNAME :Specifies an alternate ddname for the Panvalet library. The minimum abbreviation is DD.
ACCESS :Specifies a security value to allow access to a user security-protected Panvalet library member. The minimum abbreviation is A.
CONTROL :Specifies a library control value needed to successfully perform the change if the subcommand is suppressed. The minimum abbreviation is CON.
For more information, see the CHANGE Subcommand of Options for CMS, ISPF, and TSO document.