An error occurs after following procedure outlined in TechDocs to enable HTTPS in Wildfly/JBoss:
Enable HTTPS for Virtual Network Assurance (
However, there was an error in the 'add' function where the key-store password was left as that in the doc, not what it actually is:
When trying to correct this by running the batch again, the system errors out, saying attempting to enter a duplicate resource:
Failure: WFLYCTL0212: Duplicate Resource
DX NetOps VNA set-up to use HTTPS
The standalone.xml has been configured with the incorrect deployment and this was blocking an attempt to re-add it with correct values. So need to remove the deployments, then re-enter the correct one.
Stop Wildfly:
systemctl stop wildfly
Then, remove the standalone.xml file located under
This file contains the configuration, so always keep a backup of the original, prior to making any changes.
Replace the standalone.xml with the original, unaltered, default settings file. Then re-enter the batch as per the screenshot:
This will the correct batch to run successfully and for Wildfly to be able to access the SSL keystore with the correct password.