XCOMT0322E Unable to write to check point file. Guardian Error #10
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XCOMT0322E Unable to write to check point file. Guardian Error #10


Article ID: 223983


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XCOM Data Transport


We're receiving the following message when a transfer is initiated from NonStop to a remote system

Unable to write to check point file. Guardian Error #10 REQUEST # 012037
XCOMT0322E Unable to write to check point file. Guardian Error #10
It's happening randomly with all our transfers. When you retry the transfer, works perfectly.
What is the meaning of the message?


Release : 11.1

Component : CA XCOM Data Transport for Hp NonStop


Guardian error #10 means an attempt to write a record to a file with a key that already exists. In this case the file is the checkpoint file and the key is the transfer id. 

In other words, it states that REQUEST # 012037 already exists in the checkpoint file.


XCOM has a checkpoint file to which it will write checkpoint request for incoming or outgoing transfers.  The Checkpoint/restart feature allows you to restart a failed transfer from the last confirmed checkpoint so you do not have to requeue a failed transfer from the beginning. 

In some cases those entries may not be removed/deleted and will stay in the file. If that is the case, then the way to prevent the message is to recreate the checkpoint file. To do that you can:

1.  Make sure no transfers are occurring.

2. Issue the following commands:


Note: The commands are documented in the manual

3. At that point the file will be ready.


Additional Information

In order to find the meaning of any Guardian Error you can issue command "ERROR nn" from your NonStop system.