How does IDMSDMLC determine which module to copy for COPY IDMS if there are multiple versions of an IDD MODULE being copied into a Cobol program?
IDMSDMLC will find the highest Version that matches Language and Mode if there is an associated Mode.
For example if the COBOL program specifies MODE is BATCH-AUTOSTATUS, IDMSDMLC will look for the highest Version that has LANGUAGE IS COBOL and MODE IS BATCH-AUTOSTATUS. As of this writing that would be Version 13.
If the COBOL program species MODE IS BATCH, IDMSDMLC will select Version 11 as it has LANGUAGE IS COBOL and does Not have an associated MODE.
** This document names Versions added by DLODPROT. Clients could have higher versions they created, but the answer is still that IDMSDMLC will look for the highest version that matches Language/Mode.