The SAP Agent loses the connection to CPs and is notified as ENDED_LOST in the Agent Activity Panel.
The Agent must be restarted to become operational again. A forced trace is generated.
No dump messages in Quarantaine.
In the agent log file, these kind of messages or similar ones can be found:
20210412/203533.592 - U02000126 There is no connection to the Server, message 'EXAKTJQU' cannot be sent.
20210412/203533.594 - U00003620 Routine 'UCEX_R' forces trace because of error.
20210412/203533.603 - U02000048 TRACE file opened with flags '0000000000000001', max.trace: '9', memory trace: '0', search type: 'S', search string: ''.
20210412/203533.638 - U00003449 Output to the TRACE file is finished.
20210412/203533.638 - U02000010 Connection to Server '<servername>/<ip address>:2218' terminated.
20210412/203533.640 - U02000196 Next attempt to create a CP connection in '600' seconds.
20210412/203533.655 - U00003620 Routine 'UCEX_R' forces trace because of error.
20210412/203533.662 - U02000048 TRACE file opened with flags '0000000000000001', max.trace: '9', memory trace: '0', search type: 'S', search string: ''.
20210412/203533.689 - U00003449 Output to the TRACE file is finished.
20210412/203533.689 - U02000041 Shutdown Agent 'AGENTNAME'.
20210412/203533.732 - U02000001 Agent 'AGENTNAME' version '12.3.4+build.1601882670514' ended normally.
20210412/203533.732 - U02000126 There is no connection to the Server, message 'EXSTOP' cannot be sent.
The forced trace thrown by this agent may contain:
20210412/203316.329 - 1 An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
at java.base/ Method)
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
at com.uc4.ex.cp.CPConnection.sendBuffer(
at com.uc4.ex.cp.CPConnection.send(
at com.uc4.ex.JobRoutine.sendAllJobStates(
at com.uc4.ex.ExecutorLifecycle.checkJobStatusTimer(
at com.uc4.ex.ExecutorLifecycle.execute(
Communication Process may log the following messages:
20210412/203316.456 - U00003412 Agent 'AGENTNAME' logged on (Client connection='338').
20210412/203316.456 - U01002200 Received an invalid message from partner 'AGENTNAME' via connection '<ip address>56064'.
20210412/203316.456 - U01002203 Field 'Protocol' in message header is invalid.
20210412/203316.456 - U00009907 Memory dump 'Invalid Msg from Agent AGENTNAME' (Address='0000000009EEF040', Length='1386')
Release : 12.3 Component : AUTOMATION ENGINE
This is a bug of the SAP Agents.
A problem has been fixed where the Agent, after losing the CP connection, reconnected without initializing GSS, sent an unencoded EXSTART2 message, and was notified as ENDED_LOST.
Restart the impacted agent.
Update the SAP Agent to one of the fix version listed below or a newer version if available.
Automation.Engine 12.3.7
Automation.Engine 21.0.0
Following agents may be also affected by this problem : SQL Agent, Peoplesoft Agent,JMX Agent, RA Core Agent