Is there a way to change the member status?
The following is a sample JCL.
Sample JCL:
// JOB
//PANDD1 DD DSN=User.panvlt.panlib,DISP=SHR
++STATUS member,xxxxxxx
member :The name of the member you want to change.
xxxxxxx :This parameter designate the new status of the member. Every member in the library is described as either PRODuction or TEST, and either ENABLEd or DISABLEd, or ACTIVE or INACTIVE status.
ACTIVE reverses the effect of a prior INACTIVE.
INACTIVE marks a member for removal from the library to a protection file when requested.
ENABLE is used for all members except those to be deleted from the library. This parameter reverses the effect of a prior DISABLE.
DISABLE marks a member for deletion from the library. You can DISABLE programs in PRODuction status. You cannot update a DISABLEd program.
PROD is used for production members. A member in PRODuction status is protected and you cannot modify it.
Members originally enter the library in TEST, ACTIVE, and ENABLE status. You can place members in PRODuction status for protection against unauthorized modification.
You can use the COPY command to create a TEST copy of a PRODuction member. You cannot restore a PRODuction member to TEST status. You can make any member DISABLEd or INACTIVE.
For more information, see the STATUS Command of Using document.