CA 7 r12.1 R -JCLERR attempting to run a Peoplesoft AGJOB.
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CA 7 r12.1 R -JCLERR attempting to run a Peoplesoft AGJOB.


Article ID: 223668


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CA 7 Workload Automation


CA 7 AGJOBs are getting R-JCLERR when submitting to the agent after conversion from r11.3 to r12.1.   This is showing in the IAS Transmitter and Receiver Logs.  How can this be corrected?


The Password File is part of the CHKPT file and is not carried over during the conversion.


Steps for correction:

1.  Backup the r11.3 IAS CHECKPOINT FILECKPT with your CAL2JCL(IASCKPBK)

2.  Shutdown your CA 7 r12.1

3.  Run  CAL2JCL(IASCKPRP)  to RELOAD ONLY PASSWORD RECORDS TO CHECKPOINT FILE.   This job does a delete and define of the checkpoint file.