User receiving an error when using the API to run a Query for AttributeDefinition - Not able to parse artifact type: attributedefinition
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User receiving an error when using the API to run a Query for AttributeDefinition - Not able to parse artifact type: attributedefinition


Article ID: 223648


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


The attributedefinition and typedefinition objects appear to be of identical categories in the wsapi documentation.  I can query a typedefinition, but not an attributedefinition.  If in each case I supply a Name = blah argument, I get a not-found response with typedefinition, but I get a “Not able to parse artifact type: attributedefinition” response with attributedefinition.

My goal is to get a list of the allowed values of an attribute, given the name of the attribute.


Release :

Component :


AttributeDefinition is not queryable, whereas the TypeDefinition is.  

Below, you can see that the WSAPI documentation shows a query is available for TypeDefinition:

But in the next screenshot you can see that there is no query available for AttributeDefinition:

It is possible to read (not query) an AttributeDefinition if you have the AttributeDefinition ObjectID using the following URL (as seen above)