Need to know how to add Active Directory users into EEM
Release : All
Component : Embedded Entitlements Manager
Here are the steps to add Active Directory users into EEM:
1) Log into EEM as the EiamAdmin user
2) Click on the Configure tab
3) Click on the User Store link
4) Click on User Store in the User Store sub-window
5) Click on the radio button next to Reference from an external LDAP Directory
6) Select Basic LDAP Directory in the Configuration Type: field
7) Click on the Add external LDAP directory link
8) Enter the hostname of your Active Directory machine
9) Enter the port# that your Active Directory is using
10) Click on the right facing arrow to add the information in the Selected Hostnames section
11) Select the protocol that you are using in Active Directory
12) Enter the Base DN
13) Enter the User DN
14) Enter the password in the User Password and Confirm Password fields
15) Click on the Save button
After doing the above steps, it should show your ldap information with a green checkmark in a circle