The Network Providers list is not populated with Endpoint Protection installed.
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The Network Providers list is not populated with Endpoint Protection installed.


Article ID: 223443


Updated On: 09-07-2023


Endpoint Protection


The Network providers list is not populated with Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) version 14.3 RU1-RU3 installed. 

The Provider Order page shows "failed to get network providers" message.

The Provider Order list populates correctly after uninstalling SEP.


SEP version 14.3 RU1- 14.3 RU3
Windows Server 2019


This is a known issue due to invalid entries in installscript.sis.  This component was a part of the SNAC feature in previous versions of Endpoint Protection and is no longer present in current versions of the product. 


This issue is fixed in SEP 14.3 RU4. For information on how to obtain the latest build of SEP, please refer Article ID: 151364.

As a workaround, you can do the following: 

1.  Backup the following registry key:


2.  Modify the ProviderOrder registry value and remove SnacNp. 

3.  Reboot the computer. 

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