Upper limit size of maileater mail messages
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Upper limit size of maileater mail messages


Article ID: 223419


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CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


This document describes the upper limit of the mail sizes that CA Service Desk Manager (CA SDM) maileater will be able to accept for processing


CA Service Desk Manager 17.x


As of Service Desk Manger 17.4, the current upper limit of mail size in SDM Maileater is 500 KB per existing design.  Future releases may increase the upper limit.

Additional Information

If SDM maileater encounters a received mail that is too large to process per the above upper limit, the given mail will be logged in the NX_ROOT\log\maileater_nxd.log file, then the mail will be deleted without further processing.

ERROR [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-7] c.c.S.m.JavaMailParser - The email size (795836 bytes) is greater than the allowed limit of 500KB bytes, therefore it cannot be processed.