Now that I have applied IMS6721, selecting the "OPTIONS Statement" in the IMS Guide ( results in an ISPF failure (IEC036I 002-18).
The generated "UID.TEMP.BROWSEn" dataset only contains the $HDR text ( - OPTIONS Statement) from sp.DOC.TEXT(FG7342) and no other text.
The next line to be read from FG7342 is a blank line (all '40'X).
Release : 14.3
Edit sp.DOC.TEXT(FG7342) and scroll down to line # 273 $SCOL.
Insert a blank line after this on line 274 and then save changes.
Then try to access the doc panel again.
Alternatively, you can also fix this issue by opening the respective DIC/DOC member in ISPF and just save it, when opened in EDIT (or VIEW) it will automatically show and fill in x'40's.
See the following link regarding the IMS Options Statement.