We added some users in Security groups to provide read access to PROD and we are getting an error that security group is not found in Automic and same exists in LDAP
Release : 12.2
Component :
Checked in client 0
The UC_LDAP_MAPPING_MSC_PROD vara object has the following mapping.
Ldap sync was able to connect and find that there were 21 users from LDAP groups: XXXXX-AWA-PROD-reader
But failed with the error that Group AWA-PROD-READER doesn't exist on client 1000.
LDAP log
2021-08-25 16:01:08.652 [main] c.a.s.l.s.AESynchronizationStep ERROR Group AWA-PROD-READER doesn't exist on client 1000
com.automic.sara.ldapsync.exceptions.SynchronizationException: Group AWA-PROD-READER doesn't exist on client 1000
Found that the group was wrongly created as XXXXX-AWA-PROD-reader
Deleted the group XXXXX-AWA-PROD-reader and created group AWA-PROD-READER on client 1000
Now the LDAPsync ran fine.