I have just upgraded my 2 node PAM cluster. I was at starting version 3.2.4, I followed the upgrade steps and proceeded to upgrade to 3.2.7, then to 3.3.2, then to 3.4.1 and then finally 3.4.4.
but when I went to start the cluster I have no nodes and the cluster no longer appears to exist.
I'm not too sure what to do next, do I need to rebuild the cluster or can this be recovered. I need to try and fully understand why this has happened. I upgraded a test environment without any issues.
Release : 3.4
Component :
Client had run through 4 upgrades but had not restarted the cluster during any of the in between steps. we suspect the cluster configuration was corrupted during one of these steps
Client reconfigured the cluster from scratch while on the latest version. After this the cluster started without issue